Thursday, July 30, 2015

James Abbott News Clippings

There used to be a very interesting artist around this area named James Abbott who delighted in creating historical murals throughout eastern Grays Harbor County, Washington in the 1990s. Much of his work remains to this day, although the ravages of time are already starting to show on his handiwork. Such is the condition of outdoor painting.

I started taking photos of his work with my flip cellphone around 2010-2013 and some of his largest installations since that time have been painted over or the building has been destroyed.

Art is subjective, and some have called his work "downright spooky" or "creepy," while others have described his art as "fascinating" and "splendid."

Personally, I enjoyed watching him in the act of creating his work more than viewing the result of his labors. He wore a wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses and sported a stereotypical artist's goatee, while making his act of painting a public performance. It brought to mind Bob Clampett's Beany and Cecil character, Go Man Van Gogh. He seemed to totally enjoy the attention as he painted and looked like he was having fun.

I think I read Mr. Abbott's obituary within the last decade.

Exactly what the TBTG acronym meant after his signature, I can't say for sure, except that I recall it was Christian in nature. Probably "Thanks Be To God."

ShuJack's Bar & Grill, Elma, Washington

This southern facing mural is the only instance I can find where someone has taken the trouble to carefully restore an Abbott piece. Nice work! Information about the restoration date and artist is apparently on the picture, but I have trouble making it out since I'd have to stand in traffic to read it.

Photo taken Aug. 16, 2013.

Downtown Elma, Washington

Downtown Elma, facing north. Photos taken Aug. 16, 2013

Bruce's garage, Elma, Washington

This east facing work is attached to what used to be Bruce Kingery's garage in Elma.

Entitled "Cycle of a Forest" and painted on a giant saw blade, this is yet another James Abbott work of public art that has basically vanished. Actually I am just sort of guessing he created this, but I think part of his signature can still be seen at the bottom, or at least I could read it back on Aug. 16, 2013 when I took this photo.

Police Station, Elma, Washington

Facing north. Photos taken Aug. 14, 2013

Bayview Building Materials, Elma, Washington

This old time street scene was in the supply yard of Bayview, partially obscured by equipment, and fenced off when I took this photo Aug. 14, 2013. Facing west.

Since that time Bayview has expanded and this mural no longer exists.

Fire Station, Elma, Washington

I believe I took these photos at the Elma Fire Station on Aug. 14, 2013. This is another mural painted on waferboard, which seems to hold up well against the elements and gives the work a rustic texture.

Main intersection, Elma, Washington

This giant two panel mural was displayed on the NW corner of Elma's busiest intersection (it even has a traffic light!) The images faced east. I took this photo on Mar. 25, 2013.

On July 26, 2013, just by chance, I was witness to yet another major Abbott mural being obliterated.

Parking lot, Elma, Washington

Facing south on a parking lot behind the Elma Variety Store. Photo taken Dec. 22, 2012

Everybody's, Elma, Washington

This large, impressionistic mural by Abbott is on the south side of Elma's largest supermarket. The weather is really eating away at this one, and it is displayed in an area where the general public does not park. I found it by accident.

Photo taken April 8, 2012

El Ranchon, Elma, Washington

This beautiful indoor piece gives us a chance to see Abbott's use of color without the impact of weather. Photo taken Dec. 1, 2011

Another photo, this one from June 18, 2013.

Rusty Tractor, Elma, Washington

Taken Mar. 5, 2011. Abbott's work decorates the south and east exterior walls of the Rusty Tractor, a family dining establishment in Elma, Washington. This detail is from the south wall. He had to paint on some pretty rough surfaces in this case.

The south wall mural showing loggers with a donkey engine. Photo taken Oct. 9, 2011

By the time I took this photo of some rare freestanding Abbott creations outside the Rusty Tractor on Mar. 3, 2012, they were already in pretty bad shape. They have since been removed.

South wall detail, Sept. 14, 2013

The east wall mural of the Rusty Tractor is one of Abbott's more fun pieces. Photos taken Nov. 9, 2013

Gordon's Select Market, McCleary, Washington, pt. 3

The above photos were taken Sept. 7 and 8, 2013. The mural was showing very obvious signs of aging.

I didn't know it when I took the above photos, but the mural was slated to end. This final picture was taken Sept. 14, 2013. Although I miss this McCleary landmark, I am sure the cost and effort of restoring this large work would have been considerable, especially since the original artist was no longer around. Still, it had a good run of almost a quarter century.

Gordon's Select Market, McCleary, Washington, pt. 2

Both shots taken Dec. 9, 2012 showing all four panels of Abbott's mural

Detail taken June 2, 2013

Detail of The Demon Child, taken Aug. 18, 2013

The Demon Child speaks! Aug. 26, 2013

He's a busy little fellow. What did James Abbott unleash unto the world?
Sept. 1, 2013

The man behind The Demon Child seems to be making an appeal for help!
Sept. 5, 2013