Thursday, July 30, 2015

Rhodes Grocery Building, McCleary, Washington, pt. 1

This was Rhodes Grocery in McCleary, Washington when I was a kid. A big, bald Greek fellow named Nick Rillakis ran the place and would talk your ear off. I remember he had one of those huge cheese wheels. I believe this was McCleary's very first concrete building when it was constructed in the 1920s. North face taken Oct. 10, 2010.

It is rather difficult to see from the ground, but in this James Abbott mural on the back of the old Rhodes Grocery, he portrayed one of the many "soiled doves" that held a prominent place in the history of this Wild West company town. West face taken Oct. 4, 2010.

South east corner, facing east. McCleary Timberland Library and McCleary US Post Office in background. Taken Feb. 6, 2011.

Detail of south wall. Legal matters override artistic presentation. Taken Feb. 6, 2011.

Two photos taken Aug. 30, 2013 of the west wall. The sower of seeds portrait was on the southwest corner and bore the brunt of the weather. As you can see part of the scene next to the prostitutes had been covered over with sheet siding for some reason since 2011.

Taken Aug. 7, 2011

Two images from the south wall, taken in Aug. 2013

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